The Easiest Way To Get Car Insurance In Kenya.

The Easiest Way To Get Car Insurance In Kenya. In Kenya, MOMENTUM offers Insurance Premium Financing (IPF), a short-term loan product designed to facilitate the financing of motor vehicle Insurance with unparalleled convenience for both new and existing clients. Hassle-Free Car Insurance Car Insurance In Kenya just got easier with IPF by MOMENTUM, allowing clients […]

Tumepull Up Na A New App.


Tumepull Up Na A New App We are thrilled to announce that MOMENTUM has pioneered a groundbreaking mobile app, making us the First Microfinance Institution In Kenya’s History to introduce this revolutionary app.  We are transforming the borrowing experience for individuals and businesses alike, offering logbook loans ranging from 50,000 to a cool 3 million Kenyan Shillings. […]

5 Things To Consider Before Securing A Logbook Loan

Loans in Kenya

5 Things To Consider Before Securing A Logbook Loan Robert Kibiwott is not a visitor to the credit space. He, once, needed a fast loan to purchase additional machinery, for his manufacturing business with the aim to increase automation and output, amounting to KES. 672,000. Fully aware that he does not qualify for a bank […]

Empowering SMEs Through Invoice Factoring 

car loans

MOMENTUM is about expanding the possibilities of our customers and through our invoice factoring and supply financing products, we are the reliable funding partners to SMEs. We have 97% of our customers funded through these products, month on month, and over time we have witnessed their growth – A true testament to our promise- EXPANDING YOUR POSSIBILITIES.

The Evolution of Invoice Financing 


The Evolution of Invoice Financing Kenyan SMEs have traditionally faced underrepresentation and limited access to traditional working capital solutions offered by banks. The reasons behind this are varied and have been discussed many times before. It is against this background that Momentum Credit was established in 2017 with a mission to provide structured non-bank financing […]

SMEs Financial Support 

car loans

SMEs Financial Support Momentum Credit was established 2017 with a brand promise Expanding possibilities. In relation to Invoice Financing, this means finding the simplest fastest and most affordable way to fund potential customers in their individual, household and business activities. On the SME front Momentum Credit has defined structured, innovative financing solutions across 13-branches countrywide […]

How We are Solving the Supply Chain Crisis 

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How We Are Solving The Supply Chain Crisis In the era of the COVID-19 SAS COV-2 pandemic, the media has brought one of the more important topics in used in business: “Supply Chain”. In the last two years, the term has been highlighted with an unfortunate description crisis i.e. ‘’the Supply Chain Crisis”. Lockdowns brought […]

Breaking The Bias

Loans in Kenya

Breaking The Bias “Achieving gender equality and empowering girls and women is the unfinished business of our time, and the greatest human rights challenge in our world,’’ Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary General. As the world celebrates the annual International Women’s Day, women continue to make significant strides in education, business and leadership. Gender equality is […]

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