Walk The Talk – A Mental Health Walk

Stress levels are becoming a menace in the modern day and age. This alarming yet glossed over life hazard has led to the skyrocketing of mental health disorders and mortality rates in recent years. 

According to World Health Organization, the world has experienced a 13% rise in mental health conditions and substance disorders in the last decade. It is, furthermore, estimated that one in five people in post-conflict settings have a mental health condition, with suicide being the second leading cause of death among 15 – 29-year-olds.

Do you know mental health directly affects one’s contribution to any business within their respective capacity? Poor work-life balance is the key to prolonged stress, creating an increased risk of anxiety, substance abuse, conflict at the work place and even depression. This in turn affects employees’ productivity, negatively impacting an individual’s and the business overall performances.

It is against this understanding that MOMENTUM administered employee wellness as an imperative priority. To support this course, Momentum organized a 6km mental health walk, at the Karura Forest – Sigiria Wing, attracting over 60 Nairobi-based Momentum talent.

The walk was inducted by a mental health talk by Dr. Josephine Kinya, a psychiatrist at Equity Afya and wrapped by the Together to the Roots Tree Planting Initiative

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Dr. Josephine Kinya of Equity Afya talks Mental Health with MOMENTUM employees during the mental health walk

The expansive 1-hour talk provided insights about the different types, signs and mitigation cues of mental health – an eye opener for the participating delegation. Perhaps life saving too! 

The mental health talk and walk is a testament to the company’s commitment to its employees and intention to promote a thriving environment for excellence and success. 

We walk the talk!

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